Why I Don’t Lift Heavy Anymore: Finding a New Perspective on Fitness and Life 15 Months Postpartum

Before giving birth, my favorite form of exercise was without a doubt lifting weights. Besides walking my dog and occasionally bouldering at the indoor rock gym, I almost exclusively lifted about 4-5 times a week. Especially as my husband and I were trying to get pregnant, cardio wasn’t something that I wanted to do. To… Continue reading Why I Don’t Lift Heavy Anymore: Finding a New Perspective on Fitness and Life 15 Months Postpartum

Operation Period: Complete

I have been waiting for years to write this blog post: - 2.5 years ago- I was confused. I didn't understand why I wasn't getting my period. My brain fog was so thick that I didn't realize my sadness and exhaustion had anything to do with my hormones or low body weight. My doctor at… Continue reading Operation Period: Complete

How Not to Be Motivated to Go to the Gym

In the midst of all the hustle and bustle throughout the last few weeks, I have unfortunately added some extra baggage into my life. Quite literally, two bags have rolled under each of my eyes, and as much as I would like to leave them unclaimed, they keep coming around. Getting enough sleep never used… Continue reading How Not to Be Motivated to Go to the Gym

Mussels for My Muscles

Before you may question me, yes. Yes I did post that I was returning to a vegetarian diet, and yes I did eat this whole pictured plate of food. How do these two things coincide? The answer is that they don't, and that's okay. Recently, my life has been a massive ebb and flow of… Continue reading Mussels for My Muscles

From My Journey to Our Journey

Wow. This summer is going by more quickly than I could've imagined. It is crazy to think that in less than six months I will be wearing that iconic gap and gown and walking across the stage into full-blown adulthood. As that graduation date continues to draw nearer, the shear amount of questions I get… Continue reading From My Journey to Our Journey

Give it Your 100

Let's pretend you just decided to incorporate weight lifting into your workout routine. You excitedly put on your favorite outfit to exercise in, pump yourself up, and enter the gym doors. Your heart sinks at the sight of strangely shaped pieces of equipment and weights that you don't know what to do with. With just… Continue reading Give it Your 100