Why I Don’t Lift Heavy Anymore: Finding a New Perspective on Fitness and Life 15 Months Postpartum

Before giving birth, my favorite form of exercise was without a doubt lifting weights. Besides walking my dog and occasionally bouldering at the indoor rock gym, I almost exclusively lifted about 4-5 times a week. Especially as my husband and I were trying to get pregnant, cardio wasn’t something that I wanted to do. To… Continue reading Why I Don’t Lift Heavy Anymore: Finding a New Perspective on Fitness and Life 15 Months Postpartum

6 Weeks Postpartum: Back to the Gym?

Ever since I stopped formally working out during pregnancy, I wondered what my relationship with fitness would look like postpartum. Would my passion for fitness disappear? Would I have a healthier relationship with the gym than ever before? Would I freak out about the way my body changed and revert into my restrictive, self deprecating… Continue reading 6 Weeks Postpartum: Back to the Gym?

How Pregnancy Changed My Perspective of Food

If you follow me on Instagram, you probably know that recently I have been enjoying baking sweet treats and cooking delicious vegetarian food. It’s not that I just decided to start taking pictures now for the first time. It’s that this is the first time in my adult life that I am not afraid of… Continue reading How Pregnancy Changed My Perspective of Food

Being Healthy- It’s Not Just That Cz

When I first started this blog, the only thoughts that consumed my mind (outside of my mathematics studies of course) revolved around calories. How many calories should I consume to be small? What foods are "safe" to eat? How many calories can I burn by lifting weights?... You get the point. Sure, I wrapped it… Continue reading Being Healthy- It’s Not Just That Cz

How Not to Be Motivated to Go to the Gym

In the midst of all the hustle and bustle throughout the last few weeks, I have unfortunately added some extra baggage into my life. Quite literally, two bags have rolled under each of my eyes, and as much as I would like to leave them unclaimed, they keep coming around. Getting enough sleep never used… Continue reading How Not to Be Motivated to Go to the Gym